*For the English version please scroll further down.
Un cookie este un fisier-text de mici dimensiuni pe care un site il salveaza pe calculatorul sau dispozitivul dumneavoastra mobil atunci cand vizitati site-ul. Cookie-urile sunt larg utilizate pentru a face site-urile functionale sau pentru ca acestea sa functioneze mai eficient (incarcarea mai rapida a continutului paginilor, traseul viziatorilor in site, realizarea de statistici privind utilizarea site-ului cu scopul imbunatatirii acestuia), precum si pentru a furniza informatii detinatorilor site-ului.
Pentru mai multe informatii despre ce sunt si cum functioneaza cookie-urile vizitati: sau
Cookie-urile utilizate de Companie nu strang informatii personale despre dumneavoastra si nu sunt folosite decat in scopul utilizarii si imbunatatirii Site-ului.
Prin utilizarea Site-ului va mai pot fi transmise cookie-uri de la alte companii cum ar fi Facebook®, Twitter®, Google® sau altii. Compania nu isi asuma raspunderea pentru prejudicii nascute din utilizarea cookie-urilor unor asemenea companii. Din setarile browser-ului dumneavoastra puteti bloca utilizarea si salvarea cookie-urilor. Site-ul va putea fi folosit si daca blocati salvarea cookie-urilor pe calculatorul dumneavoastra. Singurul inconvenient posibil va fi ca anumite pagini ar putea sa se incarce mai greu.
CUM UTILIZAM COOKIE-URILE utilizeaza Google Analytics, un serviciu de analiza web furnizat de Google, care contribuie la analizarea utilizarii site-ului. In acest scop, Google Analytics utilizeaza „cookie-uri”, care sunt fisiere-text plasate in calculatorul dumneavoastra.
Informatiile generate de cookie-uri cu privire la modul in care este utilizat site-ul – informatii standard de jurnal de utilizare a internetului (inclusiv adresa dumneavoastra IP) si informatii privind comportamentul vizitatorului intr-o forma anonima – sunt transmise catre Google si stocate de aceasta, inclusiv pe servere din Statele Unite. Inainte de a fi transmisa catre Google, adresa dvs. IP este anonimizata.
In conformitate cu certificarea sa legata de „scutul de confidentialitate” (Privacy Shield), Google declara ca respecta cadrul UE-SUA privind scutul de confidentialitate. Google poate transfera informatiile colectate de Google Analytics catre o terta parte atunci cand legislatia impune acest lucru sau atunci cand respectiva terta parte prelucreaza informatiile in numele Google.
In conformitate cu conditiile de utilizare ale Google Analytics, Google nu va asocia adresa IP a utilizatorilor cu niciun fel de alte date detinute de Google.
Puteti refuza utilizarea cookie-urilor Google Analytics descarcand si instaland Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on.
Puteti controla si/sau sterge cookie-uri dupa cum doriti. Puteti sterge toate cookie-urile care sunt deja pe calculatorul dumneavoastra si puteti configura majoritatea browserelor sa impiedice plasarea acestora.
Majoritatea browserelor va permit:
- sa vedeti ce cookie-uri aveti si sa le stergeti in mod individual
- sa blocati cookie-uri ale unor terte parti
- sa blocati cookie-uri ale anumitor site-uri
- sa blocati setarea tuturor cookie-urilor
- sa stergeti toate cookie-urile atunci cand inchideti browserul
Daca optati pentru stergerea cookie-urilor, trebuie sa aveti in vedere ca eventualele preferinte se vor pierde. De asemenea, daca blocati cookie-urile complet, numeroase site-uri (inclusiv al nostru) nu vor functiona in mod adecvat.
A cookie is a small sized text file that a website saves on your computer or your mobile device when you visit the said website. Cookies are widely used to make websites functional or to make them more efficient (faster loading of webpages, faster tracks for visitors on the website, compiling statistics on the use of a website, in order to improve its functionality), as well as to provide website owners with information. For more information on what cookies are and how they work, go to: or
The Cookies that we use, do not collect personal information about you and they are only used to improve the functionality of our Website.
By using our Website, you may also receive cookies from other companies, such as Facebook®, Twitter®, Google® , etc. We do not take any responsibility for prejudices caused by the use of such cookies placed by third parties. You can block the use and the storage of any cookies, from your browser settings. The Website will still be usable, even with the cookies blocked. The only possible inconvenient will be the fact that certain pages might take longer to load.
HOW DO WE USE THE COOKIES is using Google Analytics, a web analysis service provided by Google which helps analyse the use of our Website. For this purpose, Google Analytics uses cookies which are text files placed on your computers.
The information generated by these cookies, related to the way you use our Website standard usage log information (including your IP address) and anonymous information related to our visitors’ behaviour online are sent to Google and stored by this company, including on servers located in the Unites States. Your IP address is concealed before we send this information to Google.
According to its Privacy Shield Certification, Google states that it complies with the EU/USA framework on Privacy Shield. Google may transfer the information collected by Google Analytics to a third party when the law requires it to do so or when the third party in question is processing the data on Google’s behalf.
According to Google Analytics’ terms of use, Google will not associate a user’s IP address with any other data held by Google.
You can reject the use of cookies by Google Analytics, by downloading and installing the Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on.
You can control and/or delete these cookies as you wish. You can delete all the cookies already installed on your computer and you can configure most browsers to prevent their installation.
Most browsers allow you to:
- see what cookies you have installed and to individually delete them
- to block cookies belonging to certain third parties
- to block cookies belonging to certain websites
- to block the installation of all cookies
- to delete all cookies when you close your browser.
If you choose to delete all cookies, you must bear in mind that any eventual preferences that you have expressed, will be lost. Also, if you choose to block all cookies, many websites (including ours) might not function properly.